I recently read with interest the post where Hector Martin resigned as Asahi Linux leader. As possibly well-known, Asahi Linux is the very first Fedora-based distribution where all the hard work to support the Apple ARM M* chip series in the Linux world found its way.
Dismissing the whole thing as another episode of burning out for a FOSS developer would be ungenerous. Some elements are typical in such cases, such as the excessive users pressure on the project. That caused a lot of pain and over-reactions in other contexts, but a big part of the Hector experience is related to issues with the upstream Linux kernel within the more general Rust-in-Linux saga.
Of course, harsh behaviours and bad relations with other people are common patterns in all human activities and often require a very thick skin and big diplomatic capabilities to get positive results. This is not specifically true for FOSS developers only (even if I say that a lot of developers are quite peculiar on the side of human relations, often in a semi-pathological way).
In my life, I have had the opportunity to deal with another very peculiar human category, such as cavers. Even when no money is involved, human beings can create bad relations, internal wars, and unhealthy atmospheres for their fellows. So, I guess it is a standard part of all human-to-human interactions, not a FOSS ecosystem peculiarity. A lot of people are strongly opinionated, and when also passionate, they tend to become intractable.
That said, I will concentrate on a specific part of Hector's post.
Back in 2011, Con Kolivas left the Linux kernel community. An anaesthetist by
day, he was arguably the last great Linux kernel hobbyist hacker. In the years
since it seems things have, if anything, only gotten worse. Today, it is
practically impossible to survive being a significant Linux maintainer or
cross-subsystem contributor if you’re not employed to do it by a corporation.
Linux started out as a hobbyist project, but it has well and truly lost its
hobbyist roots.
This is indisputable, IMHO, and it is likely the root of many problems that afflict the Linux kernel community and others. When people start working side-by-side with others who are motivated and sustained by different goals, it could be the seed of big social issues. Linux is not more just for fun for years, and that can create friction among developers. That includes perception about what should be considered acceptable for project sustainability and what should not.
These days, all that includes the use of profiling features for projects that are directly exposed to end-users and definitively the acquisition of personal habits and/or information about the users. This is not the case of Linux kernel, but it is a concrete issue for organizations such as the Mozilla Foundation and its products, and could become a divisive issue for OS distribution projects, as already happened in the immediate past.
Another problem is the wrong perception that a FOSS project should always accept contributions and enhancement proposals, while often it is not due or obvious. Like it or not, no acceptance of contribution is due, and I would add that FOSS projects could (or should) be very conservative in those regards, i.e. answering thanks-but-no-thanks more often than I have seen in recent years. IMHO, this gives evidence to what, for me, is an urgency for too many projects to list here, including, in practice, all programming languages out there.
Adding features over features on a piece of software is almost never a good policy because it increases the entropy of any software product and decreases its usability. The original spirit and goals of the software that possibly decreed its success should always be preserved, and that has been the basis of the original success of the Unix operating system approach, as an ensemble of compact and independent tools that solve single problems in the most general, simple and elegant ways, tools which are able to glue together to solve complex tasks. Now, this simple vision is already a source of friction among developers because maintainers are so often obliged to answer negatively to pull requests and patches for either respecting quality levels or opportunity.
This is a delicate trade-off that should be translated for every minimally articulated project in a written Social Contract to state and explain the goals and rules to respect for both users and developers. In a word, the governance principia of the project need to be defined ex-ante and not ex-post, to avoid misunderstandings and inner fights, as well as avoidable pressures during time. Unfortunately, many FOSS projects tend to delay ad libitum the definition of an explicit Social Contract or introduce that - more often, only a Code of Conduct for contributors is contemplated - when it is too late. Many big projects do not even have such explicit statements, and it is a pity. Users and developers should always be aware of such rules and goals in the life of any FOSS project.
One of the biggest problem nowadays is having such governance clearly established for life, but another is also ensuring that users and developers know its existnce and respect it, the two side of the same problem.