
Recent Blog Posts


July 24, 2024

We recently returned from our traditional Dolomites holiday period, and while there I eventually managed to read the first novel written by Salvatore Sanfilippo aka antirez. Most of you probably know Salvatore because he has been for a long time the leading developer of Redis until he came out from the company that now holds the ownership of the project, some years ago. He often compared the creative work of a developer with that of a novelist and I was curious about his first book.

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Rebuild process running

July 04, 2024

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... I used to have a personal home page hosted somewhere. That was one of many other side projects of my life. I discovered some years ago that having multiple failed side projects along the way is a common experience for geeks and for many non-geek people, too. For reasons that are still not completely clear to me, some months ago, I decided that restarting a personal website in 2024 could be a not so weird idea.

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